Acknowledge your craving, surf your urge.

Order Habit Bandz now and save $20.

Over 90% of our users, say Habit Bandz is helping to undo their urges and behaviors.

Habit Bandz LLC collects real behavioral evidence on our product.

How to start surfing your urge with Habit Bandz.

  • Step 1: Purchase Habit Bandz

    Purchase the Habit Bandz device online for a one-time flat fee. Habit Bandz is available in the USA and CA to anyone working on their habit

  • Step 2: Receive Habit Bandz

    We’ll ship you a Habit Bandz device with instructions to download your iOS data tracking app.

  • Step 3: Surf your Urge

    Whenever you feel an urge, click the Habit Bandz button until your urge subsides. Click the button as many times as you need, staying in the present moment.

  • Step 4: Track your progress

    Surf your urge with Habit Bandz every day and use the tracking app to understand how you’re behavior is changing overtime.

Get started today.

Order now and save $20.

Questions, comments, or feedback?

Get in touch with us today.