How Habit Bandz helps you support yourself.

Habit Reversal Training

Habit Reversal Training (HRT) is a powerful technique in behavioral therapy that helps individuals overcome unwanted habits like skin picking, nail biting, and hair pulling. HRT employs a strategy called competing response training, where you can substitute a new behavior for the unwanted one. For example, instead of picking, you can use can Habit Bandz as a harmless alternative behavior. By consistently using Habit Bandz whenever the urge to pick arises, you can effectively manage their behavior through Habit Reversal Training.

Urge Surfing

Urge Surfing is a mindfulness technique that helps manage impulsive behaviors, like skin picking. It's all about riding out the urge without giving in to it. With Urge Surfing, you acknowledge the urge, let it rise and fall like a wave, without acting on it. So, when you feel the urge to pick your skin, you can use Habit Bandz for tactile feedback to help you ride out the wave. Just tap the band for 2-4 minutes, staying present in the moment. Remember, don't engage in your habit during this time. Urge Surfing with Habit Bandz is a powerful way to break free from skin picking habits.

Watch this video to learn more about Habit Bandz and “Urge Surfing”.

Habit Bandz is a simple, modern, and purposeful "competing response" against your undesired behavior.

Here's how you can use Habit Bandz:

  1. Urge recognition: Let's say you are experiencing a powerful urge for a bad habit. Before Habit Bandz, that feeling will build until you finally do the bad habit (ouch!). This is frustrating. If you are aware of your urges, you can use Habit Bandz.

  2. Surf the urge: Psychology says, you can engage in a "competing response" (aka Habit Bandz) against the unwanted behavior, in some cases, you can forget the unwanted behavior altogether. Practically speaking, just play with the button until your urge goes away. Use the button to "Surf the Urge", like a wave!

  3. Feedback and awareness: Check the Habit Bandz app for interesting tracking data. The goal isn't to break your behavior over night, the goal is to tap the button whenever you feel the urge! The Habit Bandz app is home base for understanding your own behavior.

Secure your spot to use Habit Bandz today.

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